Ready for Fresh Veggies?
2025 Membership Agreement
In the community-supported farm structure, every member of the relationship benefits, the share-holders, the farmers, the farms (the earth), and the greater community.
This season we are offering crop share memberships. Each member will receive a weekly share of organically grown gourmet produce, that varies throughout the growing season. The product is expected to be available by mid-May and and continue through September.
We farm with all-natural organic methods and strive to fortify our soils to create nutrient-dense vegetables. We are committed to farming approaches that emphasize soil health and prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Our vegetable selections are for the most part based on taste and experience with various varieties, as well as trying new varieties all the time.
This year we ordered organic seeds from five different companies: Johnny’s Select Seeds, Fedco Seeds, Hudson Valley Seed Company, Osborne Quality Seeds, and the Maine Potato Lady.
Organic seeds are expensive, but we think it’s an important part of the process. We were able to secure all of the seed varieties and quantities we desired for this season, and are excited about some of the new cultivars we have chosen to grow.
Our plan is to stay small and develop a core group of members that buy into our philosophy and quality. We grow plants with health and well-being in mind.
Typically our members are people who have a high vegetable intake, culinary skills, and the time to prepare the food.
The pickup day will be on Wednesdays at our farm, located at 6089 100th Street SE Caledonia, MI. The pickup time is between 12 noon and 1 pm, and between 4:30 and 6:00 pm.
The 2025 share price is $800 or $550 for a half share, for 20 weeks. Memberships are limited. All shareholders assume the risks and benefits, from the bounties of farming.
To reserve a membership mail a check to Schuler Farms along with your contact information to:
Schuler Farms
6089 100th SE
Caledonia, MI 49316
If you have questions or comments, please call 616-890-3701 or contact us here.

Ready for Fresh Veggies?
2025 Membership Agreement
In the community-supported farm structure, every member of the relationship benefits, the share-holders, the farmers, the farms (the earth), and the greater community.
This season we are offering crop share memberships. Each member will receive a weekly share of organically grown gourmet produce, that varies throughout the growing season. The product is expected to be available by mid-May and end in October.
We farm with all-natural organic methods and strive to fortify our soils to create nutrient-dense vegetables. We are committed to farming approaches that emphasize soil health and prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Our vegetable selections are for the most part based on taste and experience with various varieties, as well as trying new varieties all the time.
This year we ordered organic seeds from five different companies: Johnny’s Select Seeds, Fedco Seeds, Hudson Valley Seed Company, Osborne Quality Seeds, and the Maine Potato Lady.
Organic seeds are expensive, but we think it’s an important part of the process. We were able to secure all of the seed varieties and quantities we desired for this season, and are excited about some of the new cultivars we have chosen to grow.
Our plan is to stay small and develop a core group of members that buy into our philosophy and quality. We grow plants with health and well-being in mind.
Typically our members are people who have a high vegetable intake, culinary skills, and the time to prepare the food.
The pickup day will be on Wednesdays at our farm, located at 6089 100th Street SE Caledonia, MI. The pickup time is between 12 noon and 1 pm, and between 4:30 and 6:00 pm.
The 2025 share price is $800 or $550 for a half share, for 20 weeks. Memberships are limited. All shareholders assume the risks and benefits, from the bounties of farming.
To reserve a membership mail a check to Schuler Farms along with your contact information to:
Schuler Farms
6089 100th SE
Caledonia, MI 49316
If you have questions or comments, please call 616-890-3701 or contact us here.

How It Works
1. Join the farm. Full share - $800/Half share - $550 Your spot is reserved when we receive your full payment.
2. Pick a time to pick up. Pick up is on Wednesday from 12-1 or 4:30-6 pm If you are going to need to change your time, let us know. It is important because we try to harvest for the number of people coming to pick up.
3. Come prepared. Bring a big bag, small bags, box, cooler, whatever you want to transport your veggies.
4. Read the board. The chalkboard will let you know how many or how much you get in your share. If you don’t like a vegetable, don’t take it, or give it to someone who does.
5. Take your veggies home and enjoy them! Try new recipes. Experiment with the veggies you do not know much about.

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Good Dirt... Good Food.
Good Dirt... Good Food.